Monday, November 3, 2008

The Adventures of
Max and Emma

Welcome back to Max and Emma. Today Emma learns something very important. Here's the story.

Max came over to play with Emma one day.
Max said, "Hey, Emma wanna play a game?"
"Come up to the play room." suggested Emma.
"Sure I'll be up there in a minute." said Max.
Then Emma said, "Let's go to the store to buy a new game."
Max said," Why can't we just play with one of the games you already have?"
"Well, I don't like those games, they are boring, we've played them 200 times already." said Emma.
"Look at these pictures Emma, see these people, do they seem very happy?" asked Max.
Emma answered, "Yes."
"Exactly, you have more than them and you're still unhappy and want more." replied Max. "Wow, thanks Max for the reminder." said Emma.

We'll see you next time on The Adventures of Max and Emma!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Log Cabin
(based on my drawing/narration told to mom)

My log cabin has 2 windows and 1 door. A front door. Next to my log cabin is a pond that is fun to swim in. Nearly every day I go fishing.

Inside there are 4 rooms.

The 1st room is upstairs and is the attic.

The 2nd room is my room. It has a cozy bed with a big blanket. I have a lamp hanging above my bed on a shelf. I use it to read at night.

The 3rd room is the kitchen. It has lots of cabinets. It has a sink and lots of bowls and silverware.

The 4th room is a living room. It has a table and lots of chairs. There is a fireplace with a mantel on top. It holds my clock and my money.

That is my house. This is Nate. Bye Bye.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My 5th Lost Tooth
Last night I was in my bed and I kept wiggling my tooth. It felt really loose. I got up and said, " Ross, meet me in the bathroom my tooth is really wiggling." So Ross and I went into the bathroom. Ross got 2 tissues- 1 for me to catch blood and 1 for Ross to pull the tooth with. My dad was putting away clothes and he said, "You better hurry up." So I went to my mom and she said, " Eww Ross you do it."
So Ross barely touched it and I screamed- Mom said , "Hold on let me get the camera."Ross did not get to pull my tooth- I did it myself.

It was bleeding.